Coming Home In The Dark - Official Movie Trailer (2021)
0 views • Feb 4, 2022
SUBSCRIBE: Directed by James Ashcroft A teacher is forced to confront a secret from his past when a pair of ruthless drifters take his family on a nightmare road-trip. ABOUT DARK SKY FILMS: Dark Sky Films is the independent production company and distributor behind such modern classics as Ti West’s THE HOUSE OF THE DEVIL, THE INNKEEPERS, STAKE LAND, DEATHGASM, WE ARE STILL HERE, GIRL ON THE THIRD FLOOR, and more! Visit our official website: Like Dark Sky on Facebook: Follow Dark Sky on Twitter: Follow Dark Sky on Instagram:
Coming Home in the Dark
A school teacher is forced to confront a brutal act from his past when a pair of ruthless drifters takes him and his family on a nightmare road-trip.

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