Official Teaser
10 views • Jun 14, 2024
MERMAID MAGIC is coming on August 22 on Netflix. Are you ready? 🌊🧜‍♀️ Watch our official teaser trailer now and get a glimpse of the world beneath the waves with us. #worldoceanday #MermaidMagic #MermaidMagicOfficial Dive deep into the mysteries of the ocean with mermaid warriors and best friends Merlinda, Sasha and Nerissa and follow them on their incredible adventures in and out of water to save Mertropia from destruction! Subscribe for new videos every week! ► Never miss an update on the Mermaid Magic's universe also on: ► Instagram: ► TikTok: ► Official Site: 🧜‍♀️✨
Mermaid Magic
The underwater world of Mertropia to follow the adventures of fearless Princess Merlinda and her inseparable friends Sasha and Nerissa. These warrior mermaids embark on an epic journey to the surface world to battle the wicked pirate Barbarossa, who is draining the ocean's magic.

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