Season 1
Super Soul
7 EPISODES • 2021
Season 1 of Super Soul was released on March 5 and consists of 7 episodes.


1: Andra Day
Mar 5, 2021
Oprah talks to singer Andra Day about her acting role as Billie Holiday.
2: Chip and Joanna Gaines
Mar 12, 2021
3: Priyanka Chopra Jonas
Mar 19, 2021
Priyanka Chopra Jonas discusses her marriage and her best-selling memoir.
4: Sharon Stone
Mar 26, 2021
World-renowned actress and activist Sharon Stone reveals for the first time the trauma and abuse she suffered as a child. She discusses her near-death experience and recovery after suffering a near fatal stroke. She joins Oprah in her flower garden to talk about her revealing new memoir, The Beauty of Living Twice.
5: Jon Meacham
Apr 17, 2021
6: Dr. Bruce Perry
Apr 24, 2021
7: Julianna Margulies
May 1, 2021
Season 2
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