Season 2
Lost Treasures of Egypt
8 EPISODES • 2020
Season 2 of Lost Treasures of Egypt was released on August 11 and consists of 8 episodes.

Season 1


1: Secrets of Tutankhamun
Aug 11, 2020
Technology reveals the hidden secrets of Tutankhamun’s treasures, and a team on the search for Tutankhamun’s lost quarry makes a surprising find.
2: Mysteries of the Sphinx
Aug 11, 2020
Archaeologists search for clues to unlock the mysteries of the Great Sphinx.
3: Search for Cleopatra
Aug 18, 2020
Egyptologists in search of Cleopatra’s tomb go beneath an ancient temple, while another team unlocks the secrets of the queen’s ancient capital city.
4: Secrets of the Pyramids
Aug 18, 2020
Technology reveals the hidden secrets of Tutankhamun’s treasures, and a team in search of Tutankhamun’s lost quarry makes a surprising find.
5: Hunt for Queen Nefertiti
Aug 25, 2020
Archaeologists search for Egypt’s mysterious Queen Nefertiti. A labyrinth of underground tombs, a buried coffin and an abandoned quarry provide clues.
6: Ramses the Great: Empire Builder
Aug 25, 2020
Egyptologists discover an ancient palace, while another team tracks clues across Egypt’s monuments on a mission to unlock the secrets of Ramses’ success.
7: Death of the Pyramids
Sep 1, 2020
Archaeologists hunt for clues to explain the abandoning of the pyramids. They unearth tactics used to protect mummies and find a 4,000-year-old tomb.
8: Curse of the Mummy
Sep 1, 2020
Archaeologists search Egypt’s ancient burial grounds to solve the mysteries of the most intriguing artifacts of all… mummies.
Season 3
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