Season 2
The Idhun Chronicles
5 EPISODES • 2021
Season 2 of The Idhun Chronicles was released on January 8 and consists of 5 episodes.

Season 1


1: Re-encounter
Jan 8, 2021
When Jack tracks him down, Alsan/Alexander sees it as a sign to revive the Resistance. But things remain unsettled between Victoria and Kirtash.
2: Secrets
Jan 8, 2021
Trapped between duty and love, Kirtash tries to find a balance and reveals his true nature to Victoria — and to Jack, whom he's determined to kill.
3: Their True Nature
Jan 8, 2021
An epic duel, on the battlefield and in Victoria's heart, pits Jack and Kirtash against each other for Idhun's future.
4: The Eye of The Serpent
Jan 8, 2021
Ashran, the necromancer, unleashes Gerde, forcing Victoria, Jack and Alexander to fight for their lives. Victoria's grandmother reveals a secret.
5: Victoria's Light
Jan 8, 2021
The unexpected return of a friend helps Jack understand his true self, and the fate he shares with Victoria.
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